Sunday, August 9, 2009

Just another day

I went over to my parents' and sister's apartment. It was a usual Wednesday. The mood was grim. The previous evening, my sister had a meltdown, my histrionic mother lost all sense of sanity, my father lost control. The cops were called. My sister agreed to go to the emergency room. She wanted to ride in the cop car, but they told her that she would have to be handcuffed, so she opted to drive herself. She spoke to a psychiatrist and a social worker. For once, a trip to the ER did not end up in a three day hold in the psychiatric inpatient unit.

We then went out to breakfast.


Email from my mother to me at work on Friday, August 6th 2009:

"Dad got fired again!"

Actually, it was in all caps "DAD GOT FIRED AGAIN!"

And it had multiple exclamation points "DAD GOT FIRED AGAIN!!!!"

Family Vacation Highlights

Highlights from our family vacation thus far (day number 2):
[from October 2007]

1) My mom and I both mistaking Groom-to-be's (GTB) 13 year-old step-son for his bride-to-be (BTB).

2) The book "The God Delusion". Actually having an opportunity to read a few pages.

2) Couple to-be having HUGE fight, calling off wedding, and GTB getting totally wasted and passing out in our hotel room.

3) Learning about GTB's STD and his OCD-induced nail dermatitis.

4) Plain frozen yogurt with carob chips.

5) Learning of the BTB's very colorful sexual past.

6) 4 a.m. wake-up-time due to jet lag.

7) 48 hours in Hawaii and we have not met the BTB.

8) Being warned of the possible presence of Dog the Bounty Hunter at the wedding.

9) Chocolate Cake Shots.

10) Swimming with poodle-baby in the pool.

Can you say Very Dysfunctional Family (VDF)?